
- Posted 16 October 2024

With the GPFLR event, check out the restoration schedule at COP16

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Global Partnership on Forest and Landscape Restoration
With the GPFLR event, check out the restoration schedule at COP16 Shane Rounce / Unsplash

The 16th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD COP) will be held from October 21st to November 1st in Cali, Colombia, under the theme "Peace with Nature." This is the first biodiversity-focused COP since the adoption of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework at COP 15 in December 2022—a landmark agreement designed to reverse biodiversity loss and promote sustainable development.

Recognizing the significance of this event, members of the Global Partnership on Forest and Landscape Restoration (GPFLR) will be present in Cali to engage in discussions, share experiences, and highlight actions taken for the planet.

A major highlight of the program is that, for the first time, the GPFLR will host its own event at COP 16 — a milestone that underscores the growing recognition of its impact.

On October 27th, at 17:45, the event "Forest and Landscape Restoration: Strategically Advancing Target 2 Implementation with Monitoring and Resource Mobilization Across the Rio Conventions" will be held at the International Union for Conservation of Nature Pavilion in the Blue Zone. The panel will feature experts who will present the latest progress on forest and landscape restoration, focusing on monitoring advancements and resource mobilization efforts.

The chair of the GPFLR, Anita Diederichsen (WWF) and the Vice-Chair, Jim Hallet (SER), will be present, as well as Mamadou Nepad (AFR100), Julian Fox (FAO), Chetan Kumar (IUCN), Victoria Gutierrez (Commonland) , Khalil Walji (CIFOR). 

Date & Time




27 October

5:45 PM

GPFLR - Forest and Landscape Restoration strategically advancing target 2 implementation with monitoring and resources mobilization across the Rio Conventions.


IUCN Pavillion - Blue Zone

The GPFLR, together with the Initiative 20x20, also invites you to a live panel discussion with leading governments from Latin America and champion organizations that recognize the contribution of landscape restoration towards nature positivity. The event “Breakfast session - Nature positive fast forward: matching high ambition with high quality for forest and landscape restoration”, will take place on October 29th, at the Big Room.

This and other significant events, organized by our partners, will be happening throughout COP 16 in Cali. Below, you'll find detailed information on the events, including dates, times, and venues.

Date & Time




21 October

3:00 PM.


Towards 2030: National Restoration Strategies and Implementation of NBSAPs and the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework in Latin America



Green Zone, Cámara de Comercio de Cali (Sala múltiple 3).

23 October

1:20 PM

Celebrating 10 Years of FERI: lessons learnt and advancing forest biodiversity and ecosystem restoration in the GBF.



GRULAC Plaza One - Blue Zone

24 October

6:00 PM


Restoring Nature: Achieving Global Biodiversity Framework Target 2 Together


IUCN, WRI, WWF, Colombia and Germany

GRULAC Plaza One - Blue Zone

25 October

1:20 PM

Ecosystem Restoration Monitoring: Why integration of multiscale tools are needed


IUCN, FAO, Coalizão, WWF, Restor

Room NGOs, Plaza One


27 October

7:30 PM


GPFLR Members Network Meeting



27 October

9:00 PM


Seed Soft Launch


Nature House

28 October

10:45 AM


Restoration SOP


IUCN Pavillion

28 October 

4:30 PM


'Bridging Biodiversity and Food Systems' on 28 October 2024 16.30 - 17.45 at the organised by NL Food Partnership and PBL



Netherlands Pavilion

29 October

8:00 AM

Breakfast session. Nature positive fast forward: matching high ambition with high quality for forest and landscape restoration.


GPFLR, Initiative 20x20

Nature Positive Pavillion - Blue Zone

30 October


Restoration Day - Meet the global restoration movement: Partnerships & synergies


CBD UN Decade

Blue Zone- GBF Pavilion

31 October 

10:15 AM


side-event - Landscape Finance


Commonland, Initiative 20x20, 1000 Landscapes Initiative, WWF Colombia


Partners for Water Pavilion - Blue Zone


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